Friday, April 2, 2010

Grandmas Christmas Quilt

I saw the quilt kit for this quilt on a website of a local quilt store.  I sent the link to my mom and she fell in love with the quilt so much that we went out and got the kit that weekend.  I offered to make it for her as a Christmas present.  I got it almost done for Christmas had about half the quilting done.  I got half the quilting done and then decided I hated the way the quilting was going so I pulled out all the quilting with a seam ripper and then redid the quilting.  So Grandma got her quilt a couple weeks ago.  With the scraps  I make a matching quilted pillow top.  The cat absolutely loves the pillow  the pillow is his and he isn't going to argue with you about it.  Here is a picture of him sleeping on it.  The remodel  of Grandmas room is done and so we got the quilt hung up on the wall earlier this week and now that it is up on the wall it is easy to photograph.

Art Nouveau Cats
Matching Pillow
The quilt is a pieced quilt with some appliqué.  The fabric is Michael Miller.  I used the Fairfield Organic Cotton/Bamoboo batting.  I love that batting, it is so soft and quilts up beautifully.

Here is a little lap throw I made last fall for Mom/Grandma.  The bebekins is learning how to talk and calls Grandma Mom cause that is what me, my husband and my brother all call her so she decided that I am mom and my mom is mom.  so I am trying to break a life long habit of calling mom mom, and calling her grandma instead 

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